statement law

英 [ˈsteɪtmənt lɔː] 美 [ˈsteɪtmənt lɔː]




  1. Samsung, headquartered in Seoul, responded to the verdict, saying in a statement it was unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners.
  2. USDA failed to conduct an environmental impact statement ( EIS), as required by law, before deregulating the crop.
  3. Nernst-Simon statement of the third law of thermodynamics
  4. Query on the Statement and Experiment Design of the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics in Some Higher Education Thermology Textbooks
  5. We will undertake to obligate any person or entity receiving such information to process any such information in accordance with this Privacy Statement and in accordance with applicable law.
  6. This is an abstract and powerful mathematical statement of the first law of thermodynamics.
  7. An object or statement produced before a court of law and referred to while giving evidence.
  8. Interpol secretary-general Ronald K.Noble said in a statement the move was designed to help law enforcement agencies "take all appropriate measures to identify potentially lethal devices."
  9. Bush said in his prepared statement, "This law tells any dishonest business executive: you will be discovered and punished".
  10. I'll show those again, but what I want to do mostly today is try to put a mathematical statement of the second law in place that corresponds to the verbal statements that we saw last time.
  11. A misrepresentation must be a statement of fact as opposed to a statement of opinion or a statement of law.
  12. The correct statement of the marginal effect degression law should be "gradually declining law of marginal effect".
  13. The Environmental Equality Must Be The Basic Mission Statement of The Rural Environment-protection Law Accidentally, in the village some people went against the snow drift to have the snowman.
  14. A third statement of the second law of thermodynamics makes use of a new concept called entropy.
  15. Kelvin's statement of the second law of thermodynamics
  16. This statement does specifically refer to the law.
  17. On the basis of the statement of law service promises made by China and internation, the article analyzes Chinese law service promise.
  18. In addition, the deduction for the principle of the increase of entropy based upon Kelvin-planck statement of the second law is described.
  19. A Statement of Second Law of Thermodynamics and Definition of Absolute Entropy
  20. The Exact Statement of the Law of Conservation of Momentum and the Law of Conservation of Moment of Momentum
  21. The statement did not guarantee the auction law system is to ancient "according to the present situation auction" the legal rule continuation and development, auctions one of profession important international rules.
  22. The logic of Clausius 'statement about the second law of thermodynamics is dis-cussed.
  23. It make a new interpretative statement for the law value on the free and made it come back into the humanity world;
  24. The Principal Part and Liability-attributing Rule of False Statement Civil Liability in Security Law
  25. Based on the improved Fermi's method, Clausius equality and inequality is derived directly from Kelvin's statement of the second law of thermodynamics, and then the theorem of entropy is introduced. Carnot's principle is not used in the derivation.
  26. Clausius 'statement about the second law of thermodynamics
  27. This paper tries to prove equivalence of Kelvin Statement and Clausius Statement of the second law of thermodynamics under negative absolute temperature by reduction to absurdity.
  28. The thesis has mainly adopt the law of document reading, the solves of example statement and the law of comparison and analysis, at the same time, also widely adopt more quotes to prove correctness and rationality of the viewpoint in this thesis.
  29. Chapter Four is about the legislation status quo of Litigant Statement in the Code of Civil Law of China& it mainly comes from legislation and practical act. I find the problems in it and pave a good way for the following thesis.
  30. From the statement of the law, the composition of traffic offences demands the actor violated traffic transportation and caused serious consequences demand management regulations of behavior.